Fairy mycena
Fairy mycena
Black-stalked Marasmis
Black-stalked Marasmis
Devils Urn
Devils Urn
Old man of the woods
Old man of the woods
Old man of the woods
Old man of the woods
Oak-loving collybia
Oak-loving collybia
Turkey tail
Turkey tail
Did somebody knock my top off?
Did somebody knock my top off?
Mycena species
Mycena species
Chicken of the Woods
Chicken of the Woods
Lit Mushroom
Lit Mushroom
Earth Star 1
Earth Star 1
Earth Star 2
Earth Star 2
Earth Star 3
Earth Star 3
Earth Star 4
Earth Star 4
Earth Star 5
Earth Star 5
Earth Star 6
Earth Star 6
Puff Balls 2
Puff Balls 2
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